Creative Rx Skin Care Cream: Beauty

Creative Rx This is the trump card of all causes of hair loss. You cannot do anything about your genetics—it’s all over your DNA. If your family has a history of getting bald, chances are you inherited that gene. Tough luck for you then.
Now that we have established the most common causes of hair loss, the next question would be how to prevent it from happening. The answer is quite simple: avoid numbers 1 to 4. Avoid getting stressed out; take vitamin supplements to prevent any deficiencies.

If possible, avoid annoying your wife to elude getting poisoned. Since reason number 5, genetics, is something you could not do anything about, it’s now time to discuss how alopecia areata, which is the scientific name, can be treated.

The Creative Rx Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss treatments are taking the market by storm, so do not worry. It means two things: that you are not the only one in this world getting bald and that there are treatments to promote hair growth. There are products that need to be taken orally, some need to be applied directly on hair and scalp. Among these tons of products, the Creative Rx hair treatment is the most sought after.

Customer Reviews

The Positive
To give you an idea, here are some positive reviews about Creative Rx I’ve found when doing my research:

“I have been using Creative Rx for nearly a year and I have been satisfied so far. My hair has never been this thick and this full. Friends and families gush over my hair. Thanks!” –Dylan, 45, New York USA

“My mother recommended this product to me as she had seen the effect of it on one of her friends. I started losing hair when my husband left me. The doctor told me that the stress caused my hair to fall off. Even after all the stresses of the divorce were gone, my hair didn’t recover. That’s when I started using Creative Rx. Now, 2 years of being a regular user, not only did my bald patches recover, my hair became more beautiful! My hair attracted new dating prospects for me. I owe it all to this wonderful product.“ –Mary, 38, Canada

“My dermatologist informed me about Creative Rx. People are thinking I am a lot older than my real age due to premature balding. My confidence is shaken. I became a recluse, refusing to show my balding head at parties. Once I tried Creative Rx 6 months ago, I could see new hair forming on my scalp. I started going out and having fun again.” –Ron, 25, UK

The Negative
In this world, nothing is perfect. When you want to know if a product is right for you or not, you need to know the pros and cons. With that being said, here are some negative reviews on Creative Rx:

“It has been 4 months since I have used this product. So far, I am not impressed by it. I have not seen any improvement. My scalp just shines with the spray, emphasizing my baldness.” –Terry, 50, Texas USA

“My scalp itches like a b***h when I use the spray!” –Mike, 32, UK

“I have no complaints on the effect of Creative Rx on my hair growth. The fact that I have new hair growth is positive enough for me. What I would like to complain about is my constipation. Despite drinking lots of water and eating fibrous food, I became suddenly constipated when I started using this baldness treatment. If the manufacturer could avoid that side-effect, I’ll give 5 stars to their product.” –Natasha, 30, New Jersey USA

The Facts
To be fair to all hair growth products and for the manufacturer of Creative Rx, please be reminded of these following facts when using an alopecia areata treatment:

Hair grows slowly. The normal capacity of hair to grow ranges from 6 weeks to 6 months. Do not be impatient. Hair growth takes time even on best conditions and normal circumstances. Longer if you have vitamin deficiency or feel stressed regularly.
Here is the sad truth: you may have to use hair treatment products indefinitely. Some say that the loss of hair resumed once their treatment stopped. To ensure the effect you wanted (that is, hair growth and prevention of further baldness), use the product twice a day for the rest of your life.
Start using hair treatment as early as possible. As soon as you notice unnatural loss of hair, you should use an anti-baldness treatment immediately. As mentioned before, hair growth is slow.
Depending on your dermatological type, there could be skin irritations. Itchiness of scalp could mean you have an allergic reaction to the product. Ask your dermatologist about it. Skin irritation and itchiness often lead to more medical-needing attention than your baldness alone.
Scientific Proof: Study on Minoxidil
To give further testament of the wonders of this hair regrowth treatment, a study was conducted by scientists and dermatologists about the effectiveness of minoxidil, one of the primary Creative Rx ingredients, as a hair growth cure.

They found out that in 24 weeks, a 5% minoxidil concentration is more effective than a 2% minoxidil concentration and placebo. The effectiveness was measured based on the change of baseline, hair count, and individual patient rating on scalp scale. Their study was published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology last 2012.

Examining The Product
With all these Creative Rx reviews, praises and positive feedback as well as the negatives, one needs to know how does Creative Rx work. Let’s take a closer look!


Horsetail Silica

The Creative Rx hair treatment comes as a package. It has two components, the spray and the capsules. The spray is the one directly applied on bald scalp.

It contains 5% minoxidil and horsetail silica. Minoxidil is an antihypertensive vasodilator drug that has been proven to stop losing your hair and promote hair growth.

Many drug companies have manufactured minoxidil as an over the counter drug treatment for alopecia areata. Horestail silica helps in the hair growth process as well as protecting the newly formed hairs from breakage by enforcing each and every strand with keratin, a protein that coats the hair.

The other component of the Creative Rx hair treatment package is the specially formulated oral supplement in the form of capsules. Each capsule has minerals, vitamins, and herbs further promoting hair re-growth.

Men vs. Women
Women have softer hair as compared to men but their hair is more fragile. Also, males and females have different hair needs. These differences between men and women’s hair are the main reason why the company has two different products, Creative Rx for women and Creative Rx for men. Despite having separate products, both treatments are proven and tested to be effective against hair loss.

Here are a few real and untouched before-and-after pictures of both men and women who used it:

Creative Rx-for-men1
Creative Rx-for-women
Click Here if you are a man           Click Here if you are a woman
How Does It Work?
The product’s mode of action could be summed up in 3 easy steps.

Nourishes hair follicles by providing magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamin B complex, calcium. Healthy and well-nourished hair follicles give rise to healthy hair.
Initiates new hair growth. Now that the soil (hair follicles) is well fertilized, it is time to plant the seeds to make new hair. Minoxidil and the horsetail silica will do the work, from outside to inside.
Protects the hair against harmful substances such cortisol and DHT forming 5-enzyme alpha reductase. These substances are commonly found in shampoos, hair conditioners, and many other various hair products.
Costs & Where To Buy It
Creative Rx has not yet entered the physical world of the market and supermarket but it has already been making waves in the more competitive worldwide market of on-line selling. Ecommerce makes sure this product reaches all the people in need of it. With the price of $49.50 $39.50, the results are more than worth it.

But wait, there is indeed something more! That low price comes with a 90-day money back guarantee. If it doesn’t work for you within 90 days, you will get your money back without a fuss (except probably filling out necessary surveys for future studies). Aside from its price and money back guarantee, Creative Rx also provides prompt, safe, and free shipping of the product.
Creative Rx Hair Growth Treatment for Men and Women Review
 Having a few strands of your Hair falling out from your scalp is normal for everybody and is a cyclical process of the renewal of our hair, just like how our body’s cells die and reproduced in the body.
